Thursday, September 15, 2011

2 Thumbs Up For Google's +1 Button

As a business owner, you most likely already realized the importance of establishing a trusting relationship with potential and existing customers.

People tend to like what others like-and this BUILDS TRUST that can spread quickly.

+1 lets you share recommendations with friends, contacts and the rest of the web when your advice is most helpful – on Google search. Similar to Facebook's "LIKE" button, +1 allows the end user to have a say in things.  Allowing the potential or existing customer to provide you with feedback about your product or service goes a long way nowadays.  3rd party credibility features such as the +1 button from Google  and Facebook's "Like" button allow prospects to interact with your brand and establish instant TRUST.

The closer you are to someone emotionally, the less believable you are in most other areas. On the other hand, the farther away emotionally, the more believable you are.

When you phrase your wisdom, opinion, or instruction as having come from someone else (a 3rd party), the person with whom you are sharing this information with, is more likely to accept it as TRUE and believable.

3rd Party Credibility is based on the human tendency to value the opinion/expertise of someone outside their circle of influence more than someone within.

By providing prospects and existing customers the ability to voice their opinions, your brand and or company will create instant credibility, TRUST and an authoritative online web presence.

Insert the code onto your page today. Just copy and paste the following code below onto your site.


<!-- Place this tag where you want the +1 button to render -->


<!-- Place this render call where appropriate -->
<script type="text/javascript">
  (function() {
    var po = document.createElement('script'); po.type = 'text/javascript'; po.async = true;
    po.src = '';
    var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s);

POST in partnership with DesignLingo. [ Written by Creative Legacy Agency }

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Persuasive WORDS = Persuasive ACTIONS

Words play a vital role in the communication of our core message. If the message you're trying to portray as a brand doesn't correspond with the lingo that rightfully represents your identity then your end consumer will not be persuaded into making a buying decision.

Persuasive positioning and delivery of the proper POWER WORDS will allow you as a brand, to make a bold and clarified statement with authority and significance. Making your reader understand the importance and necessity of your product or services with words that intrigue the mind to act in accordance with your demands, will separate you from mediocrity into complete superiority.

Who is your end consumer? What are their buying patterns? What about hobbies? What kind of lifestyle do they live? Where do they spend most of their time? 

Knowing who your target audience is and there demographics will put a clear and visual understanding into perspective that will allow you to catch your customers EYES in a way that stimulates and persuades them to ACT with ease and comfort.

Apply these words to your copy TODAY!

Most Persuasive POWER Words:

1.   Free – the best motivator for immediate response.
2.   You – People want to know what’s in it for them.
3.   Results – What to expect.
4.   Immediate – online everything is expected now or instantly.
5.   Guarantee – make your offering more serious.
6.   Discover – finding something new.
7.   Proven – should remove fear of the unknown.
8.   Safety – appeals to basic human needs.
9.   Limited – appealing to a sense of urgency.
10. New – appealing to human curiosity.
11. Improve – always interested in becoming better.
12. Bargain – everybody wants to get something at a better price, and better than “Sale”.
13. Exclusive – only those who are invited.
14. Save – spending less.